
2014年7月10日—Exploretheravishinglybeautifulanddetailedlocationsofthisremarkableadventureasyoubecomeimmersedinthismysteriousmedievaltale ...,,Joinayounginventorontheexpeditionofhislife.AremarkablejourneyfromSpain,acrosstheMediterranean,todistantAfrica;aquesttosavehisownsoul ...,,Exploretheravishinglybeautifulanddetailedlocationsofthisremarkableadventureasyoubecomeimmersedinthismysteriousmediev...

Lost Chronicles of Zerzura

2014年7月10日 — Explore the ravishingly beautiful and detailed locations of this remarkable adventure as you become immersed in this mysterious medieval tale ...

Lost Chronicles of Zerzura

Join a young inventor on the expedition of his life. A remarkable journey from Spain, across the Mediterranean, to distant Africa; a quest to save his own soul ...

Lost Chronicles of Zerzura

Explore the ravishingly beautiful and detailed locations of this remarkable adventure as you become immersed in this mysterious medieval tale and solve...

Steam 社群:

Lost Chronicles of Zerzura - Join a young inventor on the expedition of his life. A remarkable journey from Spain, across the Mediterranean, ...

The Lost Chronicles of Zerzura

The Lost Chronicles of Zerzura. PC 單機; 冒險; 上市:2012-02-03; 人氣:5; 評分:統計中. 追蹤. 圖片影片. 已經到底囉! © 巴哈姆特電玩資訊站.

兩款偵探冒險遊戲:Weird Park - Broken Tune詭異公園 - 破碎的旋律。誰才是躲在樂園裡的真正兇手?(iPhone/iPAD冒險遊戲)  + Paranormal Agency HD。你是個眼尖的靈異偵探嗎?(iPhone/iPAD/Android益智遊戲)

兩款偵探冒險遊戲:Weird Park - Broken Tune詭異公園 - 破碎的旋律。誰才是躲在樂園裡的真正兇手?(iPhone/iPAD冒險遊戲) + Paranormal Agency HD。你是個眼尖的靈異偵探嗎?(iPhone/iPAD/Android益智遊戲)
